

Extended Service Contracts

Pick the Right Partner to Protect Your Iron

Extended service contracts allow heavy equipment owners to stop worrying about unexpected significant repair bills and other problems when a machine breaks down. Warranties make it easier to manage your budget and cash flow, and they can add value to the machine when you want to trade it in or sell it. But who you work with to obtain your extended service plan can make a big difference, in what you get and how the claims process goes.

PMI is a True, Trusted Partner

We are not like other insurance agencies. Yes, we have decades of experience in this industry, so we understand the ins and outs of extended warranties and claims management. But we also have decades of first-hand experience in the heavy equipment industry, so we understand the challenges faced by OEMs, dealers and customers.

That’s why we are able to offer a unique series of extended service contracts we call Protect My Iron®.


Protect My Iron® enables dealers and manufacturers to build deeper relationships with customers and, at the same time, add a new and recurring revenue stream. That’s because Protect My Iron® warranties are sold and serviced directly by your dealership, not a third-party. The program can be customized to reflect your branding, and you control pricing, risk transfer parameters and underwriting and investment income. Product delivery, marketing and day-to-day management are all web-based for easy, anytime dealer and customer access.

Protect My Iron® warranties are also customizable to match each piece of equipment and owner needs. Warranties are available for new or used equipment and can be tailored to cover all or only certain components and a variety of parameters in terms of service hours and coverage term.

Extended warranties help owners protect their equipment investment. Protect My Iron® Extended Service Contracts benefit customers, dealers and OEMs. Everybody profits. To learn more about how you can profit from our programs, give us a call.


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